Monday, September 29, 2008
Ugh.. Mondays! (And my new layout!)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Grey's Anatomy Premiere!
Hope everyone's having a great weekend! GO DAWGS!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Monogram Chick!
So.. as the rules say, I have to tell 7 weird/random facts about myself.
1. My freshmen year in college I was majoring in engineering, but it proved to be not my style, and now my major is Retail Consumer Science.
2. I totalled THREE cars before I graduated high school. Luckily, my dad isn't too bad with his punishments and got me a white BMW X5 for high school graduation. (side note: no wrecks yet.. knock on wood.)
3. I grew up in Buckhead but my heart stays with my family's summer home in Martha's Vineyard.
4. My guilty pleasure is TJ Maxx.
5. I'm not embarrassed to say that I know every line from Pretty Woman.
6. No one can pronounce my name the first time they see it.
7. I can solve a Rubik's cube.
7 people I tag:
Less of a Marilyn More of a Jackie
Kiss My Pink Tiara
Mrs. Preppy
Kappa Prep
Preppy Little Dress
The Pink Owl