Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Blog Design

If anyone has any html skills and a little bit of time on their hands, let me know! I'm so behind on learning about things like that.. I have no clue when it comes to coding! I'm looking for a new design, something really cute and girly. If my sorority (ADPi) could be incorporated, that would be awesome. Thanks ladies!

UPDATE :: Gracie Beth ( has volunteered to makeover my page! Thank the LORD! It's so bland. Hopefully you'll see the facelift soon!


Gracie Beth said...

email me exactly what you want and I will work on it this weekend

Monogramchick said...

Welcome to blog-land!
I found you through the Pink Owl and so glad that I did, because not only are we fellow Georgians but also sisters!

The blog looks great, I can't wait to come back and read more as you continue to blog--it is addicting!

Loyally yours, Sarah

Molly said...

Hey thanks for the comment! Welcome, can't wait to read your blog.

Monogramchick said...

Hey There,
Wanted to let you know that I tagged you on my blog...check it out!

Kelli Radford said...

I am a fellow GA girl also! Welcome!